Tuesday, October 22, 2019

You Had a Baby Girl Because You Were Stressed as Hell, Study Says

File this one under Studies We Don’t Exactly Know What to Do With:

A study from Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York–Presbyterian claims that maternal stress during pregnancy may actually affect fetal and child development — including the sex of your baby. Hey, there are currently studies out there searching for the “gay gene” too, so just go with it.
The study appeared online in PNAS, the journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Catherine Monk, Ph.D., is a professor of medical psychology at Vagelos College as well as director of women’s mental health at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at New York–Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Monk served as the study leader.
“The womb is an influential first home, as important as the one a child is raised in, if not more so,” Monk said of the reasoning behind the study. We beg to differ with Monk, as the womb is a short-term rental, more like an AirBnB stay for baby. The family one is born into is, well, a life sentence, if we’re being frank. But we get the idea: The stress levels of a mother-to-be may affect a fetus more than previously realized.
Monk and her colleagues studied in depth 27 indicators of stress — including physical, emotional, psychosocial, lifestyle — in 187 healthy pregnant women between the ages of 18 and 45. We were surprised to find that only 17% (that’s just 32) of the pregnant women were psychologically under stress, showing diagnosable levels of anxiety and depression. Another 16% (30 women) presented with high blood pressure or high caloric intake and were considered physically stressed. The rest of the women were considered to be healthy (67%, 125 women).
So what of these numbers? Well, the research was intriguing: The sex ratio of male births to female births in the stressed subsets of women showed more females born.
“Other researchers have seen this pattern after social upheavals, such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, after which the relative number of male births decreased,” Monk explained. “This stress in women is likely of long-standing nature; studies have show that males are more vulnerable to adverse prenatal environments, suggesting that highly stressed women may be less likely to give birth to a male due to the loss of prior male pregnancies, often without knowing they were pregnant.”
So…that double X chromosome is a powerhouse, is our takeaway. (Can’t say we’re shocked, exactly. Have you met any women?)
The study offered other insights as well. For instance, physically stressed moms were more likely to experience premature labor and birth than unstressed moms. And fetuses showed “reduced heart rate—movement coupling, an indicator of slower central nervous system development—compared with unstressed mothers.”
Interestingly, the amount of social support offered to a mother seemed to make it more likely that the mother would give birth to a male child. But again, that would suggest that the mother-to-be was already receiving plenty of everyday support before she presumably got pregnant — and the sex organs of the baby were formed. A baby shower and spa day at 12 weeks pregnant does not magically revert a female fetus to a male fetus, in other words. (Duh.)
So if all women are waited on hand and foot and screened daily for depression, are we risking a planet full of men? Because, uh, it already feels like we’re living ON A PLANET FULL OF MEN. I for one am happy to take some hard knocks during pre- and early pregnancy to ensure a planet gets all the females it needs.
Thirty percent of pregnant women in the study reported job stress or mental illness issues, and that sort of stress is linked to premature birth, which in turn is linked to higher rates of infant death and ADHD and other issues in childhood.
“We know from animal studies that exposure to high levels of stress can raise levels of stress hormones like cortisol in the uterus, which in turn can affect the fetus,” Monk explained. “Stress can also affect the mother’s immune system, leading to changes that affect neurological and behavioral development in the fetus. What’s clear from our study is that maternal mental health matters, not only for the mother but also for her future child.”
Yeah, but it also matters if Dad has been pounding too many IPA microbrews. Let’s just say there’s still a whole lot to unpack when it comes to understanding fetal development, and this is yet another study we’re taking lightly. No one wants stress raining down on pregnant women, but maybe the human race has found way to reset itself after wars and terrorist attacks and other violence perpetuated (primarily) by men — by creating stress that actually limits how many more males can enter the world. Not hard science, but definitely food for thought.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How I'm Learning Not to Fear Recovery From Depression

I saw a post on Instagram that said, “I am happy, hurting and healing at the same time. Don’t ask me how I’m doing it because I don’t know, but I’m doing it and I’m so proud of myself.”
Living without depression these past few years has been extremely confusing. When I was severely depressed, all I wanted was to feel better and to not struggle with it every single day. I wanted to feel happy to be easier. But for a long time, I didn’t let myself learn how to be fully happy. I was afraid of the change because having depression was what I knew and what I had become comfortable with. There was a part of me that thought if I got better, I wouldn’t be the same person I built myself to be and people wouldn’t value me as much as they did when they knew I was fighting.
People admire fighters. They admire people who have countless obstacles in front of them but keep pushing through them. So when I finally discovered how to deal with my issues in a healthier way that could potentially lead me away from depression, I was a bit freaked out. The possibility of being happy was so close and yet the idea of not being a fighter anymore was scary. But I realized people also admire survivors. People who have previously struggled are just as strong as people who are currently struggling. And it wasn’t until I accepted and understood this that I could still embrace my past in a healthy way that would leave me and the people around me with the knowledge and support and experience that I recovered from my depression.
I’m still struggling to figure out the line between depression and sadness. I understand sadness so well that when it elevates, I become paranoid my depression is returning and I give into it. I tell myself the world doesn’t want me to be happy. It’s hard to understand not being depressed doesn’t mean I won’t be sad. Having depression is like the one streak of sunshine in a sky full of clouds while recovering from depression is one cloud in a sky full of sunshine. It doesn’t mean I won’t ever be sad. It doesn’t mean everything’s going to be good all of the time. It simply means I will have more good days than bad.
Right now, I’m hurting. There are a lot of things going on in my life that often leave me in tears. I’m not doing as well as I would like. But overall, I am happy. I am no longer struggling with depression. I spend time with the people I love. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things and not take life for granted. So, I’m happy. But at the same time, I’m healing. I’m trying to overcome the obstacles in front of me while also digging through the unresolved issues of my past and finally accepting that I have to deal with them. I’m doing it and I’m proud of myself.

This is the exact age when the joy gets sucked out of your life

If you’re unhappy in your 40s, you’re not alone

The middle of life may be a time of unhappiness and stress.

The middle-age is miserable.

At least, that’s the implication of a new survey of 2,000 people from U.K. theater chain Cineworld, which found that life is “least fun” at age 45. Additionally, more than half of people say that finding fun in everyday life gets harder the older you get.
Previous research supports the idea that middle age is rough. Data from the U.K.’s Office of National Statistics (ONS), which looked at the well-being of more than 300,000 adults over three years, found that people ages 40-59 were the least happy and most anxious. And a working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that there is “much evidence” that “humans experience a midlife psychological ‘low’.”
In fact, there is a “happiness curve,” and it bottoms out in midlife, Jonathan Rauch, author of “The Happiness Curve,” explained to MarketWatch’s Alessando Malito. “The happiness curve is how aging, independent of other things, affects your happiness and it is U-shaped,” Rauch said. “It turns out the aging process drags your happiness down through your 40s, bottoms out around 50, and then aging increases your happiness for the rest of your life.”
So what causes this midlife slump? The ONS researchers suggest that the juggling of the multitude of responsibilities in middle age could be to blame, including “the burden caused by having to care for both parents and children at the same time.” Some 23% of American adults balance caring for their kids and their parents, and they often face financial challenges as a result, a 2015 Pew Research Center report found.
Midlife doldrums could also be related to the struggle to balance careers and personal lives, the ONS researchers wrote, explaining that while younger people might still be in school, “those in their middle years may have more demands placed on their time and might struggle to balance work and family commitments.”

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How to Improve Mental Health With Safe and Natural Methods

With the increase in stress, depression, dementia, etc. in our society today how we work to improve mental health is important. We quickly look for prescription drugs and other similar methods to solve this problem. But there are often serious side effects from those methods. Are there natural and safe methods that can help? Yes, but you have to be willing to implement them.
We are a society of quick fixes, but sometimes things don't always resolve that easily. To get mental health help can be challenging and sometimes frustrating for those suffering from issues like depression or dementia. Stress is another one that no matter how much we talk about it as a society, we still can't seem to get it under control.
People quickly turn to doctors and therapists to improve mental health. There is some value in this and counseling can be wonderful in helping people resolve buried issues, but there seems to be a tendency to rely on things like drugs to combat these issues. However, this usually only deals with symptoms and not root causes which are not the most beneficial thing. The side effects of drugs and other similar methods are also problematic. Sleep issues, nausea, sexual issues can all come as a result of using various prescription drugs making them almost as bad as what they are supposed to cure.
Even if therapy, drugs, etc. work the cost can be quite high. While there are a time and place for these things in dealing with mental illness, the issue is really their overuse when perhaps other more basic methods could help.
I'm amazed at the number of people who are willing to take the time and the expense of going to therapy to get mental health help for stress and depression, but who claim they don't have time and/or money to exercise. While that may be true regarding money if insurance is covering the therapy, that still doesn't account for the time.
However, numerous studies have shown that exercise is a powerful tool in reducing stress and its effect on the body. It also has been shown to improve mental health for those with mild to moderate forms of depression. It really doesn't take any more time to do this than it does going to the shrink but has all sorts of other benefits for the body as well. Longer life, reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and Alzheimer's are just some of the possible benefits of regular exercise.
Diet is another area that can be a tremendous mental health help. We all are aware of the importance of diet on heart health and cancer, but it also plays a huge role in our mental state. Even making some of the changes necessary for your heart will help. Reducing bad fats, getting more Omega 3 fatty acids from fish, increasing fruits and vegetables, getting more B complex vitamins, Vitamin E, etc. all work to improve mental health.
The ability of your brain to function properly and cope with stress, depression, etc. depends on getting the proper amounts of these nutrients. Our diets are usually insufficient to get us what our bodies and minds need. In fact, we tend to be heavy on fats, sugars, and carbs which in some cases can actually make symptoms worse for people already struggling with these issues.
Both of these areas mentioned are natural, safe and can have a definite impact on mental health. The issue is really more one of motivation and education than time or money. However, changes in these areas can help and may even keep people from needing to spend time and money on more expensive and potentially dangerous treatments like drugs.
Finally, one of the more interesting tools available for mental health help is that of supplements. Many are familiar with supplements for joints or fighting colds, etc. Increasingly more people are using natural herbs to combat common issues like those just mentioned. However, not everyone knows (or believes) that there are valid supplements out there that can have a significant impact on your mental health.
Supplements that contain Ginkgo, Ginseng, Bacopin, Vinpocetine, huperzine A and Gotu Kola have been shown to improve cognitive function, improve mood, reduce stress effects and a host of other effects on the brain. Some of these herbs even gave prescription drugs a run for their money in recent studies on stress and depression. Yet they have relatively few side effects or issues compared with drugs. They also tend to offer a range of benefits as opposed to drugs which tend to target a specific issue.
There are safe, natural and effective means for fighting stress, depression, dementia, and other mental ailments. The ability to improve mental health through these methods has been tested and retested. However, you need to be willing and motivated to use them and follow-through with them to better mental health.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Basic Needs Of Mental Health

There are distinct facts about mental health, which are not aware of people. However, the basic needs of mental health are not adhered to. It has revealed that the mental health and the physical health of a person are interrelated. And Thus the mental health of the body might also be given equal importance like physical health. In medical terms, the mental health of a person is commonly referred to as an individual's emotional or psychological well-being. Hence, this is a term that has no precise or single official definition according to the World Health Organization.

There are different professionals and medical experts who believe that mental health is measured by an individual's ability to remain capable and competent. These also hold aspects like handling normal levels of stress, maintaining happy and healthy relationships along with the ability to lead an independent life. Mental health also touches on the capability of being able to quickly recover from difficult situations. Which may be both physical and mental. There are many individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and thus they need to improve on the same.

The people who have not been diagnosed with mental health problems still, have time to indulge in activities for nutritional health promotion. Also, it has been seen that mental health problems can affect anyone at any time and there are various reasons for the same. Hence it might be remembered that everyone has mental health needs, including those who have no illness. Some of the best methods to solve the problems of mental health are through understanding, love, care, and support.

For people who are suffering from mental health illnesses, consulting a psychiatrist should be consulted for a professional evaluation. This is advised because in many cases, regular discussions with the same can help to cure the illness at the early stage. But there are instances where other kinds of medication may be required or even hospitalization in extreme cases. But most of the troubles of mental health can be easily solved with the proper treatment. The people who have stronger minds are the ones who can easily recover from such kinds of problems.

Again the difference between positive mental health status and one that may be indicative of illness is vital. As usual, people lead life through stressful situations, tears, and problems that must be overcome. In these cases, the best way to gauge mental health is by assessing an individual's aptitude to handle these situations appropriately. There are no stereotypes or universal symptoms or sign of a mental health illness but these are defined as the person's inability to operate or deal with everyday situations in healthful and productive manner.

All human beings have innate biomedical factors that influence health functions and thus each person also has different mental needs along with a different combination of characteristics. It is these needs and characteristics that help them to adapt to different types of psychological behaviors and nutrient needs. Thus some people also benefit by changing their diets because they are genetically suited for vegetarian-based diets and others are not.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How To Seeking Help for a Mental Health Problem

The hardest part of reducing a mental health disorder is recognizing that you have one. Many people pass through life vaguely aware that something is wrong but ignoring all of the warning signs. Since people with undiagnosed mental disorders have much higher rates of depression and poverty than the general population. It is imperative that anyone seeing signs of mental illness seek help. But many are afraid to go to a doctor or psychiatrist, fearing expenses, judgment or even the loss of their sense of self. However, medical help is often the only way to return to normal function.
If you suspect you're having mental health problems, you should first assess how long you have been showing them. If, however, the symptoms have been persistent since young adulthood, it is likely a mental disorder and will need psychiatric evaluation. Patients feeling anxious should remember that seeking help is not an admission of weakness, but more an attempt to improve daily life. You may need to shop around for a local psychiatrist who takes your insurance. If you have no insurance, call a few offices and ask them about programs for the uninsured. You may be surprised by your options.
Most psychiatrists have a working general knowledge but specialize in certain topics such as abuse or anxiety disorders. If you can't find someone in your area who works with your particular problems, don't despair. A trained psychiatrist should recognize all but the most obscure of mental disorders and know how to treat them. It may be difficult to open up to a stranger at first. It's alright to wait for trust to build up before you begin tackling the big issues, but try to always be truthful with your therapist. You aren't harming anyone but yourself if you mislead him or her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life

Candlelight dinners, sweet gifts, and soft music are some things people do to initiate intimate relations. But can exercise work just as well and contribute to a healthy sex life? According to the American Council on Exercise, it can. Heating your sex life can be accomplished through maintaining a good exercise regimen improving sexual function in both men and women. Exercise is not only a physical but mental activity much like sex is. Exercise can enhance sexuality because of the benefits gained in muscle strength, endurance, and cardiovascular functioning. Increased performance of blood flow and increased levels of testosterone levels all lead to a robust and energetic sex life. Studies published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality conclude that people who regularly exercise have a better perception of themselves, and are more confident in their physical abilities, and find themselves more sexually attractive which all add to feelings of competency in lovemaking. They also experience higher levels of satisfaction or may feel more sexually desirable to the opposite sex.
For men, a good healthy body contributes to a good healthy erection and reduction of the risks for impotency. Adding years to a man's life, exercise increases blood flow allowing for better erections with a more than 30 percent lower risk of impotence than men who do not regularly exercise. Because good circulation is necessary for good sexual functioning, it stands to reason that performance is enhanced with better circulation and increased blood flow to organs used when having sex. On the other hand, men who are obese or overweight have mental and physical limitations that interfere with the positive effects of good circulation. They may feel less adequate when having sex, or experience difficulty with the physical demands of sexual activity. Slimming down is a great ego boost, and it gets some of the "extra baggage" out of the way.
For women, a good exercise program could have a positive effect on their sex loves with increase enthusiasm, cardio, and muscular endurance as well. Females may find that they are able to hold positions for longer periods of time and enjoy longer-lasting sex and greater comfort. Greater comfort during sex and increased endurance has the possibility of better ability to achieve orgasms for women who have a problem achieving satisfying orgasms. Conditioning of the body and its muscle groups allow for greater flexibility, making the sexual activity more enjoyable as you are able to try new things that might not have been possible before. I'll let you use your imagination for this one.
Boosting your sex life with physical activity is boosting your overall general health and the healthier you are the better your sex life can be. The psychological benefits such as improved self-esteem, good mood, and increased confidence along with stress reduction benefits are immediately noticeable. The more your health and physical abilities improve the better your sex life can be. Simple exercises like walking briskly at least two miles per day can reap wonderful benefits in the bedroom. So just imagine the benefits you could gain from an overall exercise regime. So, getting healthy and staying healthy only has more benefits than you might have originally thought.
 If you are really interested in getting fit, you should look into a membership at your local gym. You can use their cardio machines and weight machines to gain considerable stamina and muscle mass. You may even skip the gym membership, and go for a run every day. This will get you in great shape as well, it just depends on how much you want to get into the whole fitness thing. Being fit has hundreds of benefits, and better sex is just one of them. So as soon as you can, start doing more research related to how you can get fit, and how it will help you in life

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How to Improve Mental Health Naturally

Mental health troubles, like depression and anxiety, are experienced by more people worldwide than any other physical disorder. According to forecasts from the World Health Organization, by 2020 depression will bring about greater disability than any other mental or physical disorder.

This is a serious problem and it is common sense that we find effective solutions for these problems. To-day most mental health troubles are treated with psychological and pharmacological interventions. The most common psychological treatments are known as cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). Where antidepressants are the most common class of medication used to treat both depression and anxiety.

Other interruptions are also effective, although not promoted as much as the previously mentioned treatments, along with exercise, relaxation/ meditation, and sleep-based interventions. Herbs and nutrients are also usually used to treat mental health problems, but there is doubt whether they actually work.

The following more commonly used natural supplements can be reviewed to see if there is actually any evidence to support their efficacy.

1. Omega-3 fish oils. There has been done a substantial amount of research on the effects of fish oil, mostly in the area of depression. Hence, there is anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD ). The overall evidence advises that fish oil is moderately effective for these conditions. In several meta-analyses, it has been confirmed that fish oil can improve depressive symptoms that occur in major depressive disorders and bipolar disorder. The most effective fish oils for mental health are those ones that take in greater concentration of EPA ( a type of omega-3 fat)

2. St John's wort. This herb has always been very popular for the treatment of depression and there have been many good-quality studies in several meta-analyses. St John's wort has been shown to be effective for the treatment of depression. However, researches on stress, ADHD and other mental health issues have not been so convincing. The major problem with St John's wort is that it interacts with many medications.

3. Saffron. Positive studies on its effect on depression have increased over the last decade. Follow up studies have all confirmed that saffron is effective for the treatment of depression. In comparison with antidepressants such as Prozac and Trofanil, Saffron has proven to be as effective, but with fewer side effects. Although it is the most expensive spice in the world, only a small amount is needed, which make the cost quite affordable (approx $30 - $40 a month). Another advantage is that in combination with pharmaceutical antidepressants, it was more effective than the antidepressant alone.

4. Rhodiola Rosea. This herb was basically used in Russia to enhance athletic performance. It was later discovered to be effective for stress, feelings of burnout, and depression. A few good quality European studies have indicated that Rhodiola is helpful for improving mood and seems to be particularly helpful for people with stress-related fatigue. People who feel run-down, find it hard getting out of bed in the morning, lack motivation/drive, experience energy slumps in the afternoon, and feel quite flat, may also benefit from Rhodiola. Natural practitioners often refer to this condition as 'adrenal fatigue'.

5. Theanine. This is an amino acid derived from green tea and is claimed to help people experience a relaxed and calm state. Some good studies indicate that it can reduce levels of stress hormones in the body (e.g. cortisol) and can move people's brain waves into 'alpha' states. Alpha brain waves are associated with relaxation and meditation. People with a mind that is steadily racing report positive effects from theanine. It has also exposed to improve sleep in children with ADHD and was even helpful for people with schizophrenia.

This is just a choice of herbs and nutrients with good research-based support for their mental health benefits. There are other options available, including s-adenosyl-methionine (SAME) for depression. Kava for anxiety, B-vitamins for stress, and glycine/magnesium for sleep.

If you are interested in using natural supplements, make sure you purchase them from a reputable company. Preferably an Australian one because Australia has the most rigorous testing for natural supplements in the world.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Exercise Impacts Mental Health

You will hardly observe a person who does not understand why physical exercises are important for health and body. Hence, not everyone knows there's a tight connection between physical activity and mental health. Experimental observations show that regular physical exercises can significantly improve mental health.  However, a lack of exercise may lead to a number of mental disorders. So, where is the connection between mental health and exercising?

Based on a series of researches, scientists suggested two theories explaining this connection. These are social interaction and self-image theories. Social Interaction Theory shows the relation between mental health and social aspects of sporting activities. That indicates social relations between members of the team, team spirit, and mutual support. Studies have explored that people unhappy with their body weight, and those who are not engaged in sports are generally more subjected to various mental disorders, like substance abuse, depression, aggression, and anxiety. People engaged in sporting activities have a lower risk of developing such disorders.

Self-Image Theory
Both adults and teens expect to have slim and well-shaped bodies. Achieving this is possible with regular exercise. Performing exercises are especially recommended for obese people. People engaged in sporting activities usually, have slimmer and better-shaped bodies which undoubtedly attract the attention and sometimes green eyes of other folks. This, in turn, enhances self-esteem. People having higher self-esteem merely have problems with mental health, that is not the case with overweight people.

Boost Health and Life with Physical Exercises.
Both theories expose that bodyweight perception has a direct impact on self-esteem and therefore mental health. Physical exercises do not only help control weight but increase the level of norepinephrine which is the hormone that handles stressful situations when we face them. At the same time, we all know about endorphin which is known as the 'hormone of happiness'.

Regular exercises are a cost-effective and efficient way to improve physical and mental health. A sedentary lifestyle and metabolic problems may lead to a number of mental affections. If you want to avoid these problems, you need to review and change your current lifestyle. Even minor developments to lifestyle will bring huge positive changes. Unfortunately, people suffering from mental diseases do not understand the positive aspects of sporting activities. Even minor, but regular exercising (like dancing, evening walking, cycling, jogging, etc.) improves sleep disorders and relieves stress. A popular proverb says a sound mind in a sound body. So, if you want to have a sound mind start working on your body now.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Exercise, Physical Activity and Mental Health

Exercise and physical activity play a vital role in both maintaining one's mental health condition and in recovering from a mental ailment. Breaking research implies that exercise actually produces a chemical that stimulates the growth of brain cells. It also allows for recovery from sever substance abuse disorders. However, physical activity and mental health recovery coincide in fostering a social network. And it also encourages self-reflection, both of which are crucial on the path to mental health recovery.

The human mind grew in an environment which required it to travel over twelve miles daily. And no, that drive to work in the morning does not count. But that would make things easier, no? This evolution was due to survival instincts when humans migrated from the jungles into the flatlands. Humans also developed an adrenaline reaction which both encouraged movement and triggered immediate learning reactions; as Doctor Carl Clark from the Mental Health Center of Denver once stated, when the early man saw that saber-tooth tiger charging out of the brambles, the neurons must have been firing pretty fast to teach them to stay away from the bushes next time...that is assuming their get away was fast enough to allow for the next time!

This adrenaline rush encouraging learning has become neutralized by the flow of activities in modern western societies, wherein the normal individual is seemingly on a constant, albeit generally unnoticed, adrenaline rush. Consequently, stress levels have continuously been on the rise, consequently decreasing the rate at which an individual learns when in a compromising the situation, thus decreasing mental wellness levels.

Physical activity is a huge aid to mental health in the fact that exercise allows for a stress outlet, thus decreasing day-to-day stress while creating functional adrenaline for the mind. In reality, physical activity is important for mental health due to its role in creating Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF), which is a key factor in the creation of brain cells. The myth of the old days is past; you know the one, where once your brain cells are gone they are gone. Well, such is not the case, physical activity and exercise can increase BDNF levels and allow the re-growth of brain cells, consequently making physical activity immensely important for mental illness recovery.

Exercise and mental health further coincide in regards to the alarming statistic that people with mental illnesses, on average, die 20 years sooner than mentally healthy individuals. While there are many factors that go into this involved in substance abuse risk factors, two considerations that one would be remiss to ignore is the fact that those suffering from mental illnesses have a tendency to stagnate and become physically inactive. This has resulted in a large percentage of mental health consumers being considered overweight, which can ultimately result in adult-onset diabetes. Diabetes is very dangerous in sedentary individuals who, in a depressant state, care little about taking care of themselves, for such a medical ailment, can result in numerous health-related issues, some of which can be very serious.

Physical activity and mental illness recovery are highly correlated. In some of the most successful recovery-based treatment facilities, one will find strong proponents of mental health consumers engaging in physical activity. These activities also subsidize the development and formation of a support network populated by individuals interested in similar hobbies. Furthermore, exercise can often be a form of active meditation, and as practitioners of Dialectic Behavioral Treatment (DBT) can profess, meditation, including meditation, absent any religious connotations (whether it be active or seated), drives self-reflection which is crucial to mental health recovery; for more information on the importance of self-reflection, you can access my article on Spirituality and Hope in Mental Health.

Stay physically effective, exercise and mental wellness are highly correlated. Exercise is one of the best means to prevent the development of serious mental illnesses and is also one of the most effective treatment plans. Stay speedy, stay healthy, stay happy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mental Health Assessment Tools

There are different forms of Mental Health Assessment Tools available these days.  Which impart benefits like easier diagnosis of mental diseases. Most people are upset by mental diseases these days due to stress, depression, and anxiety, which can develop into chronic forms. The term mental health can be defined as a level of cognitive or emotional well-being. This usually arises because of the absence of a mental disorder and hence leads to various kinds of problems for the mind.

There are numerous perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology and these are also known as holism mental health. Holism mental health embraces the ability of an individual to enjoy life. And it also tries and strikes a balance between life activities and attempts to gain psychological resilience. The WHO or the World Health Organization specifies mental health as the condition of well-being where the individual is capable to realize his or her own abilities.

The state where the people are able to cope with the normal stresses of life and are able to work productively and fruitfully is largely responsible for your mental health. It might be remembered that these factors are making a contribution to his or her community. Actually, there is really no official definition of mental health. There are many aspects that affect mental health. However, these include cultural differences, subjective assessments along with competing for professional theories.

The tools used for analyzing the mental health of a person comprise general questionnaires that aim to understand the mental scenario of a person. These tools also carry hypnotism, for understanding the role of the subconscious of the person. There are really no physical examinations to realize the mental health of a person. But you can realize the conditions that may be affecting their mental health through the same.

There are varied professions have developed in this reference and include specializing in mental disorders. Some of the professionals who copy with analyzing the mental health of a person include divisions of psychiatry and psychology. Which are also known as clinical psychology? The associated professions here encompass weird psychology, positive psychology, applied behavior analysis, behavior therapy, and clinical or mental health.

Even social work and mental health counselors inclusive of marriage and family therapists are a part of understanding the tools for scrutinizing mental health. The psychotherapists, counselors and public health professionals utilize these mental health analyzing tools. It should be remembered that mental health is a continuum, where an individual's mental health is having different values.

The mental wellness might be viewed as positive attributes and such people can achieve enhanced levels of mental health. There are times when these tools are not apt to diagnose the causes of mental health problems or even the ailments themselves. However, they are effective in improving the mental wellness of otherwise healthy people.

They often give traits of the people who may be suffering from some sorts of mental problems and thus these tools are vital. The mental health tools are now being used for surveys and these also carry questionnaires used in surveys and other researches.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Exercise For Good Mental Health

There are various kinds of exercises which are performed by people for losing weight and staying in shape. But these exercises are essential not only for physical health but also for the mental health of the person. It explores that there are different kinds of exercise that help to shape the different parts of your body. But most of these exercises also facilitate to improve the mental health of a person because after exercising everyone feels rejuvenated and healthy. The toxins, what is harmful to the body, are flushed out, and hence the body is relieved of various negative energies also.

Owing to the stress and fatigue suffered at work, there are various kinds of mental problems that people suffer from today. However, many of these problems start off as minor problems this can get serious with due course of time. It reveals that there are many people who lead mechanical lifestyles. They are also prone to mental problems that lead to health problems. Hence these minor issues may actually lead to fatal problems if they are not treated in the long run. Moreover, both mental and physical problems are interrelated and can have an adverse effect on each other.

There are various kinds of exercises which are ideal forms of rejuvenation and stress alleviation along with providing other physical benefits. It explores that even though there are various kinds of methods to get rid of anxiety and stress. However, exercises are considered to be the best way to heal the mind and body. It is one of the best modes of getting rid of problems of mental health is to sweat out the negative energies of the body. Which also help to care of the overall health and improve the same.

Different researches and studies are shown in this matter and proved that some forms of exercises have a greater strike on the mind and spirit as compared to other forms of exercises. Generally, exercises like yoga, Pilates, walking and even dancing to some extent are ideal to cope with stress and anxiety of mental health. Some of these exercises renovate the body and the mind to rejuvenate along with de-stressing the body and also helping it feel refreshed.

Someone can perform different kinds of workouts to avoid symptoms of depression. That is also one of the biggest problems of mental health. It also focuses on the right techniques of breathing can help you to lose weight and also maintain a healthy mind. For instance, popular workouts that help the body and the mind to get rid of negative vibes are aerobics and weight training. Both exercises activate in diverging the attention of the mind from problems. And These also focus on physical aspects and performing them with loud music is the ideal method for maintaining mental health.

Avoiding depression and despondency is essential for getting rid of all your health problems. Hence, these exercises help to heal and help them fight against depression and anxiety. Other exercises that are ideal in this reference are yoga and meditation which help to soothe the mind and the body.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mental Health Disorders In Children

It reveals that children also suffer from various kinds of mental disorders and these are not always caused due to emotional reasons. There are various instances where children's health has suffered due to mental problems. Which has been caused due to physical reasons also? The causes of mental health problems in children vary as do their causes but it is vital for the parents and their loved ones to realize these situations and try and find solutions for the same.

Basically the idea of mental health is a term, which is used to define the way people think, feel, and act, in reference to different situations in life. The mental health of a person can affect aspects like how people handle stress. It also relates to one another and also take their decisions. However, your mental health actually influences the manner others look at you and also how you look at yourself. The mental health of a person embodies aspects like the lives of people around them.

Hence like your physical health even mental health is important at every stage of life and for children.  It also becomes the decisive factor, which shapes their future. It reveals that various aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health. These encompass avenues like caring and protection. Which is critical to children in their daily lives and their independence. It’s true that like adults even children and adolescents can suffer mental health disorders.

These disorders can interfere with the manner they think, feel, and behave and if these are left untreated. And then they can lead to drug abuse, school failure, family conflicts, violence and in extreme cases, even suicide. It might be remembered that any untreated mental health disorders can be damaging to the health care system of the child. And that leads to social stigma and also ruin the happiness of a family. The mental health disorders of children can be diagnosable or behavioral and mental problems.

These combine options like depression, attention, hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and eating disorders. It also explores that mental health problems affect one in every five young people at any given time. However, the causes of these mental health disorders are complicated and in children. They are caused mostly by biological factors and environmental factors. The biological causes include genetics, chemical imbalances in the body, harm to the central nervous system, and other similar reasons.

The environmental cause includes exposure to violence, witnessing murders or muggings, or other troubles and even stress and broken relationships. There are various kinds in which these symptoms may be recognized and these include changes in physical and mental behavior. These embrace crying a lot or overreacting to things and getting agitated over trivial issues. They can also feel a sense of worthlessness or being guilty often along with getting anxious or worried often.

Apart from this, they can be showing extremely fearful behavior or they are having disturb with their physical appearance and related physical problems. However, performance at school, lack of friends, etc. are some other issues that help in determining these problems.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mental Health In Pregnancy And Childbirth

People would never let their anxiety and mental stress take a toll. There's a growing body of research that shows serious mental anxiety and stress. in some girls, lead pre-term childbirth, smaller babies, and potential issues later for the child from respiratory disorder and developmental delays.

It normally takes easy steps like; people need to reduce the mental stress or anxiety risk by using techniques from yoga and meditation. The March of Dimes powerfully suggests meditation and exercise designed for pregnant women as effective stress techniques. There are CDs out there specifically for the mental health of pregnant women that help enormously. They'll even be effectively used throughout delivery and when the baby is born.

Reducing serious risk throughout childbirth is a great matter to be considered. Women in the past typically talked regarding the certain need to take it easy during pregnancy. Throughout the year of 1980 and 1990, there was a common tendency to downplay this need as women evolved in the workplace. Dr. Calvin Hobel the professor of obstetrics at the University of California, however, has discovered that chronic stress in pregnancy can raise the chance of complications like pre-term birth, smaller babies, respiratory disorder, or developmental delays. Women who work ordinarily very hard in high mental stress jobs may be predisposed of these problems.

People require to develop an attitude of gratitude, particularly during childbirth. Some women are literally ready to operate in high levels of stress without bad effects on their pregnancy. These are some style of women who have positive attitudes and low anxiety levels regarding life challenges. Mother Theresa once said the best protection is a joyful heart. In fact, the techniques of visualization combine having pregnant women image herself as calm and relaxed. One woman who used these techniques reported that once she did this her baby in utero would become terribly still. She laughed that the newborn went from crawling around her belly to changing into completely still. Using these effective techniques because the child develops can facilitate mom and baby apply relaxation strategies that are known to reduce anxiety and stress.

Some of the physicians used these techniques extensively throughout their surgery cases. Children are so attentive to relaxation techniques that the newborn would become still and quiet. Women require to keep in mind that they have thirty years left in a career. So she might want to think about taking some downtime during pregnancy if she is prone to worry and tension and that they should learn to self-soothe. Many women have not really learned to talk to themselves in kind, caressing tones. they'll not have received sufficient mothering. Learning to own a compassionate and concerned voice, even once silent, can soothe mom together with her child.

People also need to create connections with their newborn child. Social support and true nurturing by a partner are connected to higher birth weight and healthier infants. It is strongly suggested to the women to use soft eyes with their partner and still create positive connections during pregnancy. It is necessary for the mother and newborn and it generates healing chemicals.

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